The 5th Demesion was created by the president of Chrono Inc., an organization that oversees many other child organizations. Chrono Inc.'s goals mainly include to help people, and to make the world a better and more fun place. Currently Chrono Inc is a secret group that few people know about, but eventually we hope to grow into a large corporation. Our members have great skills in things such as Computer Programming, Tae Kwon Do, various sports, et cetera. Hopefully Chrono Inc will bring joy to people for years to come.

PS. If you would like an almost professionally designed website created for your personal use or for your bussiness, contact kopf1988(-at-)hotmail(daht)com. He can create a website for you for a very very low price, especially compared to the thousands you could spend if you went anywhere else.

Copyright (c) Chrono Inc.